Health Tips for Students
Avoid Getting a Cold and/or Flu
- Get a flu shot
- Wash your hands often and use alcohol-based hand cleansers
- Cover your mouth with your elbow or tissue not your hand
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- Get rest
- Eat health
- Wipe down door knobs, phones and other things used by multiple people
- Avoid contact with people who are sick
If you do get sick
- Take acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) for fevers and body aches
- Drink clean fluids (water, broth)
- Stay home for 24-hours and rest!
- Wash your hands often
More Tips!
- Balance hobbies/activities with your academic responsibilities
- Stay connected with family, old friends - and make new ones!
- Schedule exercise into your daily routine
- Make smart choices about alcohol and other drugs
- Take time to nourish your soul (place of worship or nature)
- Maintain a regular sleep pattern (Lack of sleep affects your memory and concentration. It can make you irritable and impact your overall health and appearance.)
Stress relief techniques
College can be a stressful time in your child's life. Encourage them to:
- Relax neck/shoulders/body
- Get a massage
- Meditate/pray
- Laugh
- Learn something new
- Congratulate themselves on their accomplishments