Parents Health Information
Important Health Information and Supplies
As a parent, ensure your child is properly prepared to manager his or her health while away at school. Your child should be able to provide the following information to the health clinic:
- Photocopies of relevant medical records/insurance card
- List of all medications for on-going treatment (include name, dose, strength, day/time, condition)
- List of all allergies
- List of immunizations (tetanus, measles, etc.)
- Family history of illness
First Aid Supplies
- Antibacterial hand gel
- Band-aids
- Alcohol swabs
- Antibiotic cream
- Over-the-counter medications:
- Aspirin, Tylenol or Ibuprofen
- Decongestant
- Antihistamine
- Cough suppressant
- Lip Balm
- Saline nasal mist
- Antacid
- Tweezers
- Nail Clippers
- Calamine lotion
- Sunscreen